Distinguished Work by a Junior Scholar: Mirjam Kotwick on Alexander of Aphrodisias

Mirjam Kotwick’s study Alexander of Aphrodisias and the Text of Aristotle’s Metaphysics has been designated the winner of the CCS competition to identify distinguished work by junior scholars. The competition was announced in December 2013 and was open to all submissions by junior scholars made during the calendar year 2014. The award of this designation is based on the reports of external referees and the judgment of the CCS Editorial Board.

Kotwick’s book is an expanded and updated English version of her Munich dissertation completed  early in 2014 under the direction of Professor Oliver Primavesi. Through an intensive study of lemmata, quotations, and interpretations in Alexander’s commentary, Kotwick offers a new appraisal of the ancient tradition of the Metaphysics, demonstrating what uses can be made of Alexander’s commentary to learn about that tradition, and how the commentary may have influenced the tradition of the philosophical text itself.

Alexander of Aphrodisias and the Text of Aristotle’s Metaphysics will be published in print-on-demand paperback and online open access late in 2015 as No. 4 in the series California Classical Studies.