Author submits completed questionnaire and CV to the Editorial Board by email.
Editorial Board reviews questionnaire and decides whether or not to invite the author to submit the whole work for peer review.
If approval to submit is granted, one member of the Editorial Board becomes Lead Editor for this submission, and author submits files in suggested formats.
Editorial Board quickly determines whether the submission is polished and complete enough to send out to reviewers.
Normally, two assessments will be obtained from outside referees, who will receive a modest honorarium. In some cases, one assessment will be done by a member of the Editorial Board.
Editorial Board evaluates the referees’ reports and recommendation of Lead Editor and decides whether to accept, reject, or invite resubmission after specified revisions.
For an accepted work, author receives Author’s Agreement to sign and detailed instructions about preparation of final files. Author is also requested to seek some subvention toward production costs from research grant, department or decanal funds, library funds, etc. (but this subvention is not required in the startup phase of the grant).
Copy-editing is performed and author is consulted about suggested changes.
Initial layout is performed.
Printout or PDF is provided to Lead Editor, a proofreader, and to author for proofreading.
Author also creates index, if required.
Final layout performed and verified in-house. Author has the right to see final layout as “second proofs.”
Final product is uploaded to eScholarship for open-access page view (and free PDF download after short embargo period) and to sales site (for epub conversions and direct marketing), and Print On Demand paperback copies are ordered for the author (3 copies) and for sending out for review.