Leslie Kurke’s The Traffic in Praise published in digital edition

California Classical Studies has published its first volume. Leslie Kurke’s The Traffic in Praise: Pindar and the Poetics of Social Economy is a new digital edition, with minor corrections, of her 1990 monograph.

The Traffic in Praise is now available for purchase as a Print On Demand paperback at the CCS sales site. In addition, the open-access version is available at the CCS section of the eScholarship repository of the University of California. In addition to the page view mechanism there, there is no temporary embargo on downloading the full PDF for this first title in the series.

An ePub version of the book is also in preparation for release soon.

Progress report

Our first two volumes, the reprints with corrections of Leslie Kurke’s The Traffic in Praise and Ted Courtney’s A Commentary on the Satires of Juvenal, are now in first page proofs. That means that scanning and proofreading after OCR have been completed and the resulting files flowed into Adobe InDesign. Publication is tentatively set for September. In a separate forthcoming post, there will be some discussion of the pitfalls encountered and solutions used.

Progress report as of Nov. 25, 2012

Content is being added to this website; the process is not complete.

A designer has been commissioned to create a logo, which is thus not yet present here, but will be added soon.

The Submission Questionnaire will be uploaded soon. Submissions will be welcome as of Jan. 1, 2013.

A draft of the Author Agreement has been developed.

Setup will soon be in progress for the CCS site at eScholarship.org, and then for the eScholarship PLUS sales site (powered by Lulu.com).